Do you ever question how you spend the best hours of each day? Everyone does, perhaps especially young parents with multiple family obligations and busy emerging careers. Some days I feel I spend most of my time doing insignificant tasks while others are making a “real” difference in their work.
My friend and talented musician, Jonah Werner joined us this spring at a Family Camp retreat and shared his music with us. Everyone loved his song Broken to Beautiful in which Jonah speaks from God’s perspective: “I want to take broken hearts and make them brand new. From your heart, to your soul, I make broken into beautiful.”
In the crowded Welcome House, Jonah’s Broken to Beautiful reminded us that we are indeed significant. The daily, and sometimes mundane, tasks of raising children, working hard at our jobs and even playing Gaga Ball at camp are profoundly significant.
We hope the beauty of the Frio Canyon and Family Camp itself help you remember our significance to God and the significance of things that really matter. One father wrote about his experience at this spring retreat saying, “My LLFC experience has helped me put my heart back in a place it hasn’t been in some time.”
This dad and husband experienced what Jonah was singing about—the broken being made beautiful. His note encouraged us at Family Camp that our work is significant, and the same is true for all of us when we work as to the Lord. Our work is significant because through it the Lord allows us to participate with Him in His work of making things that are broken become beautiful again.
Questions to consider with your family: